Exam tomorrow...help with questions??

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Got my A level electronics exam tomorrow, and i'm doing it self taught so it's kinda hard to understand some stuff sometimes. SO i was going through some past paper and came to some questions i couldn't answer. I've attached the questions in zip format. If you could check my answers (i've written them on) and for the ones i haven't, tell me the answers?

This would be really helpful!


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I eally don't want to just give you tha answers. I'll give you some tips.

Well good start with the graph it does just make neg signals positive. But where did you get 12.7V from when the graph shows +/-9V

Yep good place of capacitor
Thanks for the tip. I got the 12.7 because somewhere in my book it says to multiply by root 2.

I was only asking for answers, because my exams tomorrow, and i've been through my books, and 4 past exam papers, and these ones have no marks schemes so i can't check the answers, and i have no idea about them.

Btw, notice Q2 = Q5, just Q5 is easier to read.

petesmc said:
Thanks for the tip. I got the 12.7 because somewhere in my book it says to multiply by root 2.

That's the RMS value of an 18V p-p sinewave, but probably not what your question wanted!.
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