Excel File for a 128x64 GLCD

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Well-Known Member
G'day Guy's,
After searching the net for a suitable GLCD generator I couldn't find one so this morning I made up an excel file where I can input each pixel then read the line numbers to generate the code for my glcd. There isn't any macros or anything as that is beyond me so if members want to play with the file feel free and repost any mod's please.

View attachment 128x64 GLCD Template file.zip the .xlsx file

View attachment 128x64 GLCD Template file1.zip the .xls file for older versions

Regards Bryan
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I use fastLCD its really good it produces for all chipsets and will do images and fonts



  • FastLCD.exe
    304 KB · Views: 729
Hello Ian,

I've downloaded FastLCD.
Can it make a GLCD Font from a Truetype windows font ?

If so, how should i proceed to do it ?

I think so... But I have a better one for true type fonts, I'll dig it out (I can't remember what computer I put it on )..
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