executing specific instruction after HW reset.

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I have a CC2430 MCU which is connected to a flash memory.
I assume that HW reset in MCU means that i lower the RESET_N pin of the MCU and then i raise it back to 1 logic, right?

I would like that every time i initiate a hardware reset in the MCU, the MCU will afterwards send a Chip-Erase instruction to the flash.

Is it possible?
Is the MCU capable of distinguishing between HW reset, and other resets like SW reset, BOR, Power-up reset, reset caused by timer?

If not, then i dont know how i could use the double toggling of the RESET_N pin to send a Chip-Erase instruction to the flash, so if you have an idea, i'd appreciate it.

You're asking for help with an obscure processor, which I've never even heard of, it's quite possible that no one here has ever used it.

Read the datasheet, it should answer your questions, that's what it's there for.
I read the datasheet and i dont think that my MCU has the ability to distinguish between HW reset and POR.
In general, can MCUs discriminate between the two - HW reset and Power-up reset?

Thank you.
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This MCU is used in my company, therefore i'm working with that MCU.

Can you please tell my in general, Do MCUs have the capability of this discrimination betweeen HW reset and POR?

Besides, is there any general idea for how i could use this RESET_N double toggling for sending instruction for flash?
Alright thanks!
I went through the datasheet again, and i saw that it contains two bits that tell whther the last reset was caused by
- power up reset (includes BOR also).
- external reset.
- watchdog timer reset.

Does external reset mean toggling twice the RESET_N pin of the MCU?
I didnt found any interpretation for 'external reset'.

Thank you again
nigel it's not that obscure, just not very popular for hobby ... it is "active" TI SoC chip.
System-on-Chip Solution for 2.4 GHz IEEE 802.15.4 / ZigBee™

**broken link removed**

very useful, very fast, very nice, very low power (as most TI ic's are)
Low Power RF ICs - 2.4 GHz - CC2430 - TI.com

alphadog, I have not used cc243x but it seams to 8051 as a uC core (bit enhanced version) and AES coprocessor so that should help you. With regards to reset, it will reset by 4 events (RESET pin low, power on, brown out, watchdog) but I have not found the detailed explanation so you will have to test it .. should be easy...

thats nifty little creature zigbee enabled .. quite interesting, donno what is the price dough
you are most welcome...

It would be useful if you post your findings back here so others might also benefit from them ... (sample piece of code showing how to determine if you were reseted or powered on)
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