experimental speaker, need magnet help

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New Member
I am designing an experimental speaker design, with intent to patent, so I have to be vague, but Im going to need a powerful rod shaped magnet to repel outside magnets. right now Im just doing concept work, but I'm having trouble with getting my magnets set up. how do I make an electro magnet. details please, I already read the general electromagnet post.


Its harder to make stable assemblies using the pushing
effect, cos its omni-directional.
Its easier to make stable assemblies using the pulling
effect, cos it is unidirectional.
If you have arrangements to repel poles as part of the
construction, consider assembling the parts differently
so that the effect you want is achieved by attraction
instead. Unless its partly of attraction and partly of

Best of luck with it, John
hey John

I appreciate it, and Ill see if that attraction can be rigged with this.

my prototype is well on the way.

thanks again

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