External timer interfacing

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New Member
I've got a quick question. I've done timing delays with loops, and have also gotten very accurate timing delays with TMR prescalers and interrupts. I recently got a Dallas DS1302 real time clock chip and a 32.768 crystal, just for tinkering around with. How exactly do I go about interfacing it to a PIC (628, 84A, 877, any flavor...)? I noticed the DS1302 has a reset pin, a synchronize pin, and a bi-directional I/O pin. Given that in order to read and generate signals on the PIC, I would need two separate pins: One for output, one for input, and that these two pins need to talk to the DS1302, which has one bi-IO pin, how are they to be connected :?: Could I simply use diodes to control the data flow in the correct direction? Thx for any suggestions.
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