f84 programmer

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New Member
hi guys!
i have a program made using PIC16f84a. now i need to burn this program into the pic16f84a i have. can i use the 'f84 programmer' to burn this pic.the f84 programmer is designed to work with the PIC16f84. but what if i use it for PIC16f84a?
the f84 programmer is located at
**broken link removed**
It should work fine but that page states "I finally found a very nice universal window based software designed to work with any serial programmers for PIC16F84, i.e., WPicProg16 V1.20, written by Nigel Goodwin." As far as I am aware, Nigel's software is parallel only. I'm sure he'll be along shortly to clarify things.


Yes, parallel only - I don't consider 'serial' port programmers (JDM type) reliable enough to offer support for.
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