Failed deWalt battery charger

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Well-Known Member
Got this charger given to me if it was worth repairing.
I found both transistors shorted to zero ohms across all terminals and the resistor blown open circuit.
See the hole in the yellow band.
Don't know what caused it but I reckon it is a throwaway.


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Since nothing has been mentioned about the charger (input / output voltages, current, ....), I guess it's your decision to reckon it as a throwaway ..
possibly, it was dropped and torroid core magnet wire shorted on sharp edge of heat sink, causing chain reaction of shorts. I had similar short between line resistors blowing parts and fuse in garden shear battery charger.
Since nothing has been mentioned about the charger (input / output voltages, current, ....), I guess it's your decision to reckon it as a throwaway ..

It is a De Walt DCB105 Li-Ion 10.8, 14.4, 18 Volts charger.
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