Fairchild F8 or 3850 is a multi-chip microcontroller

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New Member
i like to do my final year project using this controller so plz help me tell me all thing u know about this controller
or its family
or controllers similar to this
plz help me to produce a successful project
Fagedaboudit. Even if you could come up with a data sheet, the only parts left are in the hands of collectors or gray marketeers. This part predated the original PC so there are probably no tools for doing development. Nothing like tying one hand behind your back.

If you still insist on banging your head against a stone wall then by all means troll the dark corners that Google will lead you to.

For other examples of pure unobtainium it is hard to beat the Signetics 8x300 and it's cousin the 8x305.

Go man go!
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Amazing! Were you born already in 1977?

What information have you been receiving during your studies that you are asking such a question? Just a Google search would tell you about how old is it!

As a retro hobbyist project it is fine. As a final project of a future professional, it is not.

A different approach right here, close to your post:

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Is your degree in the history of technology?

I'd suggest doing your project with some sort of ARM based chip. Or perhaps the PIC32 which is MIPS based. You can get samples pretty cheaply.
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