The concept sounds possible but there are a lot of things to consider.
You would need humidity sensors, not humidistats, because a humidistat, with an on/off output won't tell you the humidity level.
So you need two humidity sensors, with output levels that can be compared. They need to be accurate enough that they give readings much less than 2% different when the fans have done their job and equalised the humidity.
You needs some way of comparing the outputs of the two sensors, and when the difference is greater than 2%, activating an output.
You need something to make that output turn on the fans that you have. That will probably be a relay.
You need something to stop the fans turning on and off very quickly. The obvious thing to do there is to turn on the fans when the difference is 2% or more, but not turn them off until the difference is less than say 1.5%
There may need to be a test for useful operating range. If the humidity is really high or really low, the sensors may not be accurate, in which case you might want to have a different behaviour if the humidity is very high or very low.
Then you need stuff like power supply, box, displays so you know it's working and so on.
I've not done much with humidity sensors, but 2% seems to be a very small difference, due to the inaccuracies of measuring humidity. I had a quick look at humidity sensors that RS sell (
**broken link removed**) and 5% accuracy is about as close as you can get with them, if you want one with a voltage output. With inaccurate sensors, you could run the risk of the fans running and equalising the humidity, but the sensor output never getting close enough to turn the fans off.
If I were doing this, I would have some digital humidity sensors like this:-, a processor such as an Arduino, a display of each humidity, and a relay output to drive the fans. The Arduino would need a program written for it.
You may then want to look at the costs of just leaving the fans turned on all the time. How big are the fans? I've worked with fans that ranged from about 1 W to 250 kW, and the cost of leaving them running all the time was quite different.