FAO Moderators

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New Member
Is there any way of speeding up the approval of posts? I appreciate that you guys have a life other than on here, and that you need to keep the spammers out.

It just seems to take a long time to get approved.

Not a moan, just a comment
Is there any way of speeding up the approval of posts? I appreciate that you guys have a life other than on here, and that you need to keep the spammers out.

It just seems to take a long time to get approved.

Not a moan, just a comment

I think once you get over a certain post count, that restriction is lifted.
BTW, I see your location is Cardiff. Would that be Cardiff by the Sea, Ca?
If so were neighbors Sorta, I live near Fiesta Island.
Is there any way of speeding up the approval of posts? I appreciate that you guys have a life other than on here, and that you need to keep the spammers out.

It just seems to take a long time to get approved.

Not a moan, just a comment

Some of us like to go to bed occasionally!
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