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to whom maintains the actual website any chance of getting a FAVICON codded in

I am only asking because this website seems very strange as in, in firefox it is hyjacking random FAVICONS for the bookmark.

At the moment it has the same FAVICON as the BBC icon.

Last month it was the GENTOO website FAVICON and before that it was the [H]ardforum icon

I dunno what was missed in the HTTP code, but no other website that I have bookmarks for (that do not have a favicon) do that,
I have the same problem! I am running FireFox 1.06 on XP SP2 and currently I have Google logo for Electro-tech Bookmark. Anybody has the same problem?
How about using a 'proper' browser? :lol:

I've never heard of 'FAVICON', presumably it's something that Firefox implements that doesn't comform to normal HTML pages?.
FAVICON is that small icon that is displayed in your bookmarks (aka IE Favorites). It is a standard HTML feature!

I think IE is the worst Browser available, so I chose FF (FireFox), why don't you give it a try? I love it's Adblock feature that is blocking *all* Ads..
Nigel Goodwin said:
How about using a 'proper' browser? :lol:

I've never heard of 'FAVICON', presumably it's something that Firefox implements that doesn't comform to normal HTML pages?.

I prefer security, dont know abt u.

Actually IE supports FAVICONS (they were the ones to push for it).
However, they do not show it in bookmarks, they will show it in the address bar if you goto a site that supports it


and you will see what I mean


Its not much to add, it is just one line of HTML code near teh beginning of a page

<link type="image/x-icon" href="http://packages.gentoo.org/favicon.ico" rel="shortcut icon">

and also a *.ico file on the server (a 16x16 standard windows ICON file) that you want displayed


  • bookmarks.jpg
    113.8 KB · Views: 1,727
Same hapends to me but only 2 icods ware "copyed".Electrotech has the same one as Electronics-Lab and Slo-FileSharing has the same as FileIndex.

This hapends only on websites whith no icon.

Firefox 1.0.4
Funny thing is, this seems to be a Windows-FF problem
I am in linux and the only icon this forum has is the default and it doesnt hijack any others.

I have this with problem with one other forum, the thing in common is the use of php for the forum management
my bookmarks either have a blank page, or their proper icon ... I've never noticed incorrect favicons in the actual bookmarks list, ff-win

however, I do have an explorer address toolbar as part of my taskbar, and it occasionally goes and gives sites random favicons ... not just from other websites, but from windows apps too... for a while, all my history items showed up with the HL2 icon.

for this site, I just see the blank sheet of paper with a dog eared corner.
My electro-tech is the default page also. I've never seen an error in my favicons and I'm running XP Pro w/o any service packs...oh well. :lol:
I would agree thats its a simple thing to add so within about ten minutes you should start to see the favicon

Im just creating one now and will upload the changes in a few minutes.

Let me know what you think ;-)
not bad.

I use Opera 8.54, and all favicons are displayed properly.

I see a diode in a white box, and underneath, a 71 (or backwards F and 1)
It's so small, I can't make the letters out.
the letters are on the small side, heck, that's a design constraint, but it looks like ETO to me
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