Finally a vacation

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Well-Known Member
Finally a vacation, my wife and I are heading out to Catalina Island in the morning for 4 fun filled days. We plan to para sail, a little scuba, and quite possibly some drinking and dinning
You folks have fun arguing over the definitions of class C amps and such.
Here is where we will be.
Homepage - Catalina Island Chamber of Commerce

See ya next week...
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You make me wanna cry!

Just kidding. I am most likely be heading out to Cayo Coco Cuba in third week of August

This seems like a good time for a vacation. Have fun and don't bring back H1N1
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I got engaged on San Clemente pier just over a year ago (and Married a few months later).

Fantastic part of California.
Made it back today, had a blast. Went para sailing, did some diving. Not to much wind, saw a few bat rays, a couple leopard sharks, clear water not as nice as the Mediterranean or the tropics but still nice.

Thought I would include a few shots of Catalina.

First image is the Carnival Cruise ship as seen from our hotel balcony.

Second image is just a view of the harbor.

Next we see a view of the city. Space is a premium here as the geology of the island makes house building difficult, and I also think the island is being preserved.

A view of our hotel from the harbor.

A shot of someone parasailing.

Another shot of the harbor from our hotel rooftop. The evenings always had overcast. Daytime was very sunny.

By the way, anyone have a cure for bad sunburn?

One other interesting thing to note. Most people drove golf carts rather than cars, the city is only like 1 square mile.

Real fun place, but very expensive, $100.00 dinner for two was the norm at most eateries.


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I gather you didn't go hiking and mingle with the Bison?

To be honest we wanted to but we just did not have enough time to do all the things we wanted to. On our first day, we arrived in the evening, so it was too late to do anything other than stroll the area. Second day was spent doing the Dolphin watch boat tour and parasailing, Third day we made two boat dives and were plum tired after that. The last day we had to leave around 2PM. So next time we will plan for the hike, as we learned a few things. One thing we will do different is rent a place with a kitchen so we can cook our own dinners as dinning is so costly (They do have a small grocery store).

I did have a buffalo burger though Tasted like beef to me.
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It looks and sounds like you had a nice vacation.
It is OK to waste a few dollars occasionally if the meals were good.
By the way, anyone have a cure for bad sunburn?

Yes, Organic Sour Cream.
Rub it on burnt areas two or three times with 10 min interval. It will save your skin.

I got badly burned during a camping trip three weeks ago.
My burnt skin have not pealed much when I used the above method

If you use the above method the day u get sunburn, It should save all of your skin.
The only time some of my skin peals off is when I don't apply sour cream the same day.

Also I never use sunscreen so I get used to getting burnt all the time.
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