The transfer ratio of an optocoupler is the ratio of output current ( through the phototransistor) to the input current (through the LED). The transfer ratio varies enormously and it depends on the voltage across the photo transistor and the temperature. There is a big piece-to-piece variation between different optocouplers and the transfer function isn't very linear.
Much like with the gain of a bipolar transistor, it's not possible to predict the voltage and current at all accurately in the linear region.
Optocouplers are almost always used as switches. In an SMPS that uses an optocoupler, there is usually a voltage detector connected to the output voltage (often a TL431 or similar) which powers the optocoupler's LED when the output voltage gets to the desired voltage. That causes the optocoupler to turn on, which stops the input circuit from working and so stops the output voltage from getting larger.
The TL431 contains an op-amp so it has huge gain, so it does not matter if the optocoupler needs a bit more current in some conditions than in others.
A lot of SMPS circuit will run in burst modes, where they run for a bit and then stop running for a bit. When they are running, and the optocoupler is off, the voltage across the LED in the optocoupler could be any voltage up to the forward voltage of the LED, it depends on the design, so the average voltage could vary over a wide range.
Similarly on the input circuit, that could have a large or small voltage across the phototransistor of the optocoupler. Also the voltage may only be present some of the time.
If you want to measure the voltages using an oscilloscope, you need an isolated input probe, something like this:-