Find the missing number....

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6 is just as good an answer as what ever the creator of the puzzle had in mind...
6 is just as good an answer as what ever the creator of the puzzle had in mind...


I can think of at least three reasons why the answer is 6.

This is just one of those silly smart arse puzzles that just grip my bits.

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As I just said.
It would help if one knew that this puzzle was posed by a mathematician ( six factorial) rather that a drama queen ( six exclamation mark).

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Reactions: fvm
JimB, there's a reason I posted the answer as a spoiler. Let's try to keep discussion of answers as spoilers as well.
So, they need to take English over:

The answer is not 6!.
The answer is not 6!

are two different statements.

My suggestion: Learn English and don't waste my time!
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As a friend of mine loves to point out, "Precision is no accident!" (said with a deep Southern accent).
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