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Finding golf balls in the rough (ultrasonic idea)

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New Member

I'm trying to design a solution to the problem of finding golf balls in the rough. I've had a few thoughts so far:
  • Image processing to detect white objects in a predominantly green environment
  • UV light emitter and detector to take advantage of fluoresence of the whitening coating of the ball
  • Ultrasonic system to detect solid objects in grass, followed by profiling to determine shape

I expect the system should be portable so golfers can scan the grass as they walk and receive some feedback when a ball is found.

My main focus is on the latter idea and I was wondering if anyone with any experience of ultrasound knew if this was possible. Would, perhaps, the solid ball reflect ultrasound waves more strongly than a clump of grass? Once I've established if this works I can (attempt to) devise a system to ID a ball from any other solid object.

I doubt that a round ball will reflect ultrasonic sound significantly differently from the grass and ground around it to be able to detect the difference.
Tiny FM transmitter inside the balls, power generated by accelleration.
Made by Nike, endorsed by Tiger?
Do I see a patent? E
Wouldn't it just be easier to use use passive RFID?
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A Google search fround this and this. Seems like it's already been invented.
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A very accurate ultrasound and some kind of vision programmed to work with one another seems like it would work. From short range at least.
Ultrasonic won't work. Paint them with glow-in-the-dark before playing, pick them up at night. :)
A Google search fround this and this. Seems like it's already been invented.

Thanks but the Ballfinder Scout (which works by digital image analysis) gets universally bad reviews from real-world users (bar the celebrity endorsements) and whilst RFID tags / Radio balls do work well, they require specialist balls, which many players don't use.

My current 'best' idea is the ultrasonic concept. Although I'm not sure if this will work as grass often partially covers lost balls and thus detecting them in the rough will be a lot harder than finding them, say, on the fairway. Does anyone with a fishfinder know how they cope with underwater plant life?

Failing that I might try a high-powered UV torch and a detector tuned to detect fluorescence...

Any thoughts / comments welcomed!
Thanks for the replies. I did have a look before I started at radio balls and RFID tagging although these require specialist balls to be purchased and the Ballfinder Scout (which works on image processing) gets very poor reviews from real world users, bar the celebrity endorsers!

I think the ultrasound idea MAY work but I'm worried as to the reflections if the ball is partially covered by grass (i.e. in the rough). Could anyone with a fish-finder confirm how they respond to underwater plant life please?

Failing that I may try a high-power UV torch coupled with a fluorescence detector....

Any comments / thoughts welcomed!
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