finding the suitable IC!

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Well, 3v0, Swordfish do something like that now. Sure it's pretty new on the market, but really interesting. I really like it.

C is just better seen, Considered as 'industry standard'. You know C and Assembler? Better your chance to find a job... well that's what i heard from some people around me.

Now there's the pricing. Assuming you're using all PIC family...

- The only GOOD C compiler i know cost over thousands dollars to buy + 400-500$ / year for support, upgrade and such.

- Most good BASIC compiler ~250 US$

- ASM is free.

Is the price mean something? hard to say, most have their own forum now, so the support is almost equal, about built-in bells and whistles... this could be the point.

No complaint on C, Basic, ASM... i use all of them.

Get the job done, do it fast, your own way, reliable and bug free. Once it's in the chip, nobody will know.
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