fine(precession) voltage controller

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New Member
dear guys,
i need drawings(circuit) of a fine(pression) voltage controller by following specefications :
input :220-230 volt ac
output : 100-220 vot ac - 5 amper
output must be fine (not increase rapidly,eg,100-110 )
can any blessed ! person help me ,please ???
TA !
If I understand you correctly, you want an adjustable AC output with fine resolution.

The obvious suggestion is to use an adjustable autotransformer (Variac). They provide adjustment from 0 to the maximum (which can typically be selected to be equal to the input or about 10% higher) and the resolution should be much better than a volt.
Dear crutschow,
first,thanks lot for your answer.but i want to have practical drawing (circuit)
so i can make it .can u help me more and explain (introduce cases,...) clearer
A variac is a component- no circuit needed. YOu just buy it. It's like buying a capacitor (almost)- you can't build it from a schematic.
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