Fingerprint recognition circut to lock/unlock hotrod doors...

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My first post, Back as a teen I planned on electronics as a career,even took two years of electronics at a trade school. That is until I found girls and hotrods..I still play around a little (with electronics) but have forgot most of what I learned,so I come here seeking knowlage..

My question is: Where can I find a fingerprint recognition circut to install in my hotrod to unlock my doors ????
I was told at radio shack that some lap tops have them and I might be able to use one for this situation.
I shaved off my door handles so theres not even a key hole and I dont want to install a hidden switch,this seems like a good alternative but I need a little help....Any Ideas????? I can still build circuts if it needs to be built from scratch...Thanks gentilemen....Mike
for the actual fingerprint recognition you will probably need to look at something you can buy. I would suggest an RS232 module like this : **broken link removed**.

You will then need to interface this to a small micro controller which would connect to a transistor relay module unlocking the doors
Where would you mount the scanner?

Girls and hotrods are interesting hobbies, but they seem iffy as careers.
on the door? however you will need to think about waterproofing it. Maybe a cover over it?

Also fingerprint readers can easily be bypassed. People have found ways of getting your fingerprint off things you use daily and then making a fake from it.
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My car uses an RFID system of some sort for keyless entry. Nissan Intelikey.
Works great, don't need to mess with pesky finger print sensors which may not work in the pouring rain when you need to get in, just a button on the outside of the door handle that can tell when the 'smart key' is within about 2 meters of it. There's a real honest to goodness key built into the FOB that has a little switch the release it incase the batteries run out. Apparently the last about two years.
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Sceadwian raises the point which occurred to me: how do you get into the hot rod when the battery is dead? You need a backup.

Slim Jim? Crowbar?

I was hoping to build the whole thing to save some cash and for the enjoyment of building it myself,but after looking into it a little deeper something like this might be the way to go.Are there electronic warehouses to buy componets?other than radio shack? They seem a little expensive to me...Thanks for the link lectro
I was thinking of mounting it behind the door glass. I was hoping there was a sensor ,something like a piece of tape you could stick to the inside of the glass...just touch the glass and the door unlocks.But I've been out of touch with the electronics industry and dont know whats available these days.
LOL,I wouldnt think theres a legal way to make a career out of women but restoring and building cars and hotrods has been a great life for the last thirty some years...I still cant wait to get to the shop in the morning...... Still, electronics would have a great way to make a living too....and less dirty....I built a 100watt stereo amp when I was 14yr old.and built a ton of stuff from my dads old popular electronics magizines. most everything I built was out of old TV parts I scrounged out of the dump.Dad worked at GE electronics R&D so he would help with some of the parts like SCR's and taught me a lot of math and everything else,but I kinda lost interst when everything turned to one little IC insted of a few transistors and resistors...kinda took all the fun out of it.....
Sceadwian raises the point which occurred to me: how do you get into the hot rod when the battery is dead? You need a backup.

Slim Jim? Crowbar?
I'll have a hidden cable to pull ,just in case (pretty much standerd proceedure for shaved cars) the trick is making it look like something thats NOT a cable pull (such as an emergancy brake cable) ....I'll also a keyless entry.but with my other car I cant tell you how many times I ran out to the car thinking it was unlocked and had to run back in and get the keys.or with the keyless its a pain to reach in your pocket and pull it out with an armfull of grocerys or something.I found this ultra touch switch that is just what I'm looking for but anyone can open the door once they know where the switch is hidden.. www.autoloc ultra touch
the fingerprint wont be as much for security as much as its for the "cool factor" no locking system can keep everyone out just delay it a little.
Thanks for the quick replies you guys asked some good questions to ponder over. I found a few other interesting prodjects for cars here.Glad I found this site....Mike O.
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Heres a couple old pics of the 48 to see what I'm doing....Can you guess why they call me the "deadbody" man?????


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Sceadwian raises the point which occurred to me: how do you get into the hot rod when the battery is dead? You need a backup.

Slim Jim? Crowbar?
hey it just hit me...dont capasitors store current??? I remember we used to charge capasitors with the AC outlet in class and say "hey catch" and throw the thing to an unsuspecting classmate.....(Well ,it was funny back when wewere kids) why couldnt you get one of those big soda can size capasitors hooked up in a circut just in case the batteries go dead??????I'd still feel safer with a cable though....
capacitors will not hold a charge forever. What about a backup battery that emits a wireless signal to your computer or something and an audible alarm if the main battery runs out. if the backup battery is about to fail what about just using a key lock
Worked on one for a hotrodder, he used RFID to open the doors. As for a dead battery we put a trailer hitch plug on the back,
that was wired directly to the battery and he could power the door locks from it.
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