Finished School early for Christmas!

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I am now off School until after Christmas, i had a couple of day's to go, and because we are watching videos in most classes, dad said i might as well stay home and learn about electronic's, as there was little learning material in watching frosty the snowman 6 times a day!
Also i have had a word with dad about his grammar and spelling etc. So he is also going to make an effort
I checked that the place they keep presents in, was locked first , it was so i know they are there . Also dad isnt going to want a 1952 book on transistor circuits and design . And if he want's to play rough i can alway's let slip to mum, ow her new car got the scratched bumper , she thinks it must be from the car park when she went shopping!
I have other information on how it got there
Mum hasn't read this forum for ages! Besides i might or might not have other information that might or might not, relate to my other parent maybe i should see how much a FPGA dev board is on ebay
Mum hasn't read this forum for ages! Besides i might or might not have other information that might or might not, relate to my other parent maybe i should see how much a FPGA dev board is on ebay

May be you should see how getting grounded feels?
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