finshed testing 8x16 dot matrix game

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hi for my major project in year 11 i have decided to make a 8x16 dot matrix game. the game is pong for people who dont know what it is its a game with two paddles and a ball the ball bounces around you have to hit it with the paddles the first person to miss loses the game or gains a point mine is lose so far i have design a score keeper which i have yet to make.

i have just finshed prototyping the game on breadboards and i thought i put up some pictures and a small video.

to make this ive used three ic, 1 picaxe 40x1 which controls everthing, 1 picaxe 18 which monitors the inputs and loops until the button is let go as if this was on the picaxe 40x1 it would effect the dot matrix and last i used a 74hc/hct154 4-16 decoder which controls the 16 0v colunms.

will put a video up later thanks for looking


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yes sorry ive been busy havnt had time to post the video but will do now.

this i quite an old video as you can see ive programmed when you miss the ball the ball will flash then the postion of the paddle that missed the ball will flash to show how you missed the ball and im also in the process of programming words to go arcoss the screen like "player 1 wins" and "player 2 point" which will go along the screen i also have made a fisrt to three score couter which works fine and when somebody wins it strobes across back and forth along the counting leds. thanks for looking will update as i work on project.

p.s the led on the ball isnt going off it is just passin under wires as it only on a breadboard.


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Where did you get the Blue breadboards?
lol the blue breadboards are from an old teacher of mine he did it as a hobby and i needed a few good breadboards so i didnt blow up any chips on them so he gave me them to use but now he has left and he also left without his breadboards so they have like turned into my property lol

yh it is a bit overkill but i still have a whole year to do it i only planned on doing a 5x7 dot matrix then it turned into a pong game then an 8x8 game then a 16x8 game all in like a few days and since ive programmed before in basic on computers i picked up the programming really quick had a few problems as you would expect but nothing i didnt fix and with the whole year i still have to do this i was thinking of trying to program a Tetris game onto the picaxe 40 as ive only used like 700bytes out of 4096 i got this idea of youtube lol someone else has already done it and i think im gona spend most of the time making the case as i thought of a few idea that i could have on it thanks for looking
ahh i somehow missed that the 40 pin chip your using is a picAXE and not a regular pic lol, ive had a go with pic's with assembler code and it gets complicated, but my gcse electronics project was also on a picaxe! i was using the 18 pin chip with the low res anologe inputs, (too cheap to spend out on the decent ones) and used two LDR's and two bright white led's to make a nocturnal wall avoider, simply by seeing how much light is relected back off objects, as the further the object is the less light there will be visible on the object in the way, which the LDR's in tubes would pick up. it was dressed in fur to look like a mouse and squeled when you pulled its tail lol

supposed to have been a cat toy, and was supposed to work during the day hence ultra bright led's, by flashing them on and off it was supposed to measure the difference in light and use that to work out a distance but during the day it just got too much interference with the low res ADC. was a laugh though, especailly trying to get the bugger to work over 3 days cutting and bridging the PCB id made mistakes on. For some reason after leaving it a while though somethings gone wrong with the program and it always thinks its tails being pulled so does nowt but scream when turned on oh well lol

hope it goes well!
sounds good yh i choose the 40x1 one as the chip as i would have needed the 28x1 to put all of my code on as it wouldnt fit on the 18's but the differnce in price from a 28x1 to a 40x1 was about 20p so i got the big one and i will reuse it maybe in 6form if i take it. yh my school only had the 18's as well and they were only 18a chip with about 128bytes of memory and half of the command lines in my programming the 18a couldnt use. and as for the decoder i did actually make one out of transisors which worked well but the size of it was massive so i scraped it and use the transistor stuff as reseach which then im going to say this type of circuit can be found in chips as decoders they work simlar or something like that.

p.s no one has spotted what i did wrong on the first 8x8 matrix in the picture its a stupid misstake
nope ive put resistor on the postive of the dotmatrix and the negative to they are really dim lol theres like 16
Ohh wow that video is cool. I like how it speeds up and everything. I always wanted to hijack a display sometime and program pong onto it.
yh isnt wasnt that hard to program the speeding of the ball works well doesnt it. in the code i just had a counter which couted up to a certain value that value was a variable so like

let b0+b0+1
if b0=b1 move ball

move ball:
+1 to colunm value

when ball reaches a paddle

bounce off code...
let b1=b1/2

this mean that the ball will go twice as fast after every bounce

took me a few time to get it right but in the end i found that way of how to do it

i ws just wondering if anyone had any idea i could do to the game to improve it like 1player or put a small moving wall in which will pass over the matrix making something to bounce off makin it a little bit harder stuff like that has anyone got any ideas. thanks alot
ive got a first to three couter that lights a led when someone scores so 6 leds 3 for each player but what i thought was use the other 4 outputs of the picaxe 40x to run an other 4-8 deocoder one is for complete shut off and put the 8 new outputs dead in the middle of the dot matrix but instead of wireing them to the red light get two bi colour dotmatrix and wire it to the green let say so in the middle of the dotmatrix i will have a green score which would look cool but the only problem is when the ball go's over the matrix it might mix colours which i dont know how to stop. do you think that could work?? thanks
hi. good work. can u control this without the help of programming.just using the gates and counter , is it is possible. What is the logic for the random movement of the ball ? thank you.
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