fire fighting robot

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New Member
hi guys
we are having a fire fighting robot competetion in the college well basically we have to detect the fire and then extinguish it and the bot has to track the line my question is how should i place the sensors because i had been studing line tracking and all i know is how to track a single line but this one has a lot of intersecting lines too
and also tell me what would be the easyest method to extinguish a fire its a simple candle and the problem about detecting the candle exists how do i detect the fire should i use an IR sensor
the file attached shows the arrena and the "S" is the starting point of the bot and "Cs" are the candles please help me out thanks


  • fire.JPG
    29.2 KB · Views: 1,341
**broken link removed**

This link explain the distances between the red led and the phototransitor. And you can place your sensors with ease.
didnt get it

Falleaf what u need to tell me is that what should i do to track intersectiong lines how will my robot know where to go in the case of intersecting lines like the case shown below can i do it with three sensors
in which the center one is placed slightly in the front then the ones on the sides


  • fire_213.jpg
    29.2 KB · Views: 1,067
Dont be worry .

Imagine that if you have 2 other sensors on 2 side of your bot. You will know when you are at a conner.

*-----* * ------*

* is your sensors. The 2 middles are used to detect the straight lines forward your bot. And the 2 side sensors are used to detect the conners.

If you worry about it. Put another sensor behind your robot like this


Dont care bout dots. I have to write like this for better view. * are still your sensors.

The sensor on back is used to detect the horizon line as you turn your robot around. Because, as your robot turns, it may lost the conner, and all 4 front sensors may not detect the lines. But if you put the back sensor, you will sure if your robot is on the horizon line. Then you can easily re-find your direction by the 2 center sensors.
What you need to do is have a "Y" type of configuration on your sensors. You normally ahve 2 sensors to track the line. Then have another 2 more sensors, up higher making a Y. Those sensors will tell you if and intersection comes before your line sensors do.That way you have time to make sure you do what you want to do.
The fact that you should put the 2 center sensors in front of your robot. And you will find it more stable. I don't remember the link, but I posted somewhere on line trackers a helpful link that the author showed it's more stable if we put the 2 sensor in front the robot.
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