first byte byte NOT get

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New Member
Howdee people.

I have just completed an I2C interface to get two PICs talking ... MASTER and SLAVE setup.

This is working......but after successfully reading the first byte from the SLAVE and displaying on MASTER LCD ....if the MASTER again requests to read another byte from the SLAVE....then the two PICs seem to lock up...or so it seems anyway....and i do not get any more bytes received from the SLAVE.

So in short my I2C link only works for the first byte reception...after which it locks up.

Please can someone help me here to fix this problem.

my setup is...

PIC18F4423 (MASTER) and PIC18F2420 (SLAVE)
Master @ 20Mhz ceramic clock
Slave @ 8MHz internal clock
compiler used C18

Below are my test codes of MASTER and SLAVE.

thank you



void main(void)

    unsigned char ABC, DEF, HIJ; //byte holding variables

    ABC = read_from_slave_PIC(0xD0); //reading from SLAVE PIC (address)

    DEF = read_from_slave_PIC(0xD0); //reading from SLAVE PIC (address)

    HIJ = read_from_slave_PIC(0xD0); //reading from SLAVE PIC (address)

    SendLCD(0x80,0); //activate LCD line 1 ... col 1   
    //print the data byte on LCD

    Delay10KTCYx(125); //250ms delay

    SendLCD(0x81,0); //activate LCD line 1 ... col 2   
    //print the data byte on LCD

    Delay10KTCYx(125); //250ms delay

    SendLCD(0x82,0); //activate LCD line 1 ... col 3   
    //print the data byte on LCD

    while(1); //loop forever

} //end of main()

unsigned char read_from_slave_PIC(unsigned char address)

    unsigned char data_byte = 0; //variable to hold the data byte from the SLAVE

    OpenI2C(); //INITIALLIZE & Configure I2C PORT
    StartI2C(); //Generates a Start I2C condition
    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle
    if(DataRdyI2C() == 0) //proceed if buffer is empty
        //Send WIRTE command to SLAVE ... LSB is '0' as the WRITE bit
        if(WriteI2C(address) == 0) //ACK not received from SLAVE                                       

            I2C_Error(); //Stop and rest I2C if link between PICs fails

            while(1); //STOP program

        IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle    

    StopI2C(); //Generates a Stop I2C condition
    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle   
    StartI2C(); //Generates a Start I2C condition
    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle   
    if(DataRdyI2C() == 0) //proceed if buffer is empty
        //Send READ command to SLAVE ... LSB is '1' as the READ bit
        if(WriteI2C(address + 1) == 0) //ACK not received from SLAVE                                       

            I2C_Error(); //Stop and rest I2C if link between PICs fails

            while(1); //STOP program

        IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle    
    data_byte = ReadI2C(); //read the received data from the SLAVE
    NotAckI2C(); //Generates a Not Ack condition after reading data
    StopI2C(); //Generates a Stop I2C condition
    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle  

    return data_byte; //return data byte from SLAVE

}//end of read_from_slave_PIC()

void OpenI2C(void)

    //Reseting MSSP registers
    SSPCON1 = 0x00; // power on state
      SSPCON2 = 0x00; // power on state   

    //Selecting & Configuring I2C Master mode
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM3 = 1;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM2 = 0;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM1 = 0;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM0 = 0;   
    SSPSTATbits.SMP = 1; //Slew rate set to NORMAL speed @ 100kHz   
    SSPADD = 0x63; //setting baud rate 100kHz (NORMAL)...PIC running @ 20MHz   
    SSPSTATbits.CKE = 0; //Disable SMBus   
    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit

    SSPCON1bits.SSPEN = 1; //Enable I2C Master port   

}//end of OpenI2C()

void NotAckI2C(void)

    SSPCON2bits.ACKDT = 1; // set acknowledge bit for NOT ACK

    SSPCON2bits.ACKEN = 1; // initiate bus acknowledge sequence

}//end of NotAckI2C()

void IdleI2C(void)

    //Test and wait until I2C module is idle
    while ( (SSPCON2 & 0x1F) | (SSPSTATbits.R_W) )

        continue; //keep looping until idle

}//end of IdleI2C()

unsigned char DataRdyI2C(void)

    if(SSPSTATbits.BF == 1)  // test if buffer full bit is set    

        return 1;          // data in SSPBUF register


        return 0;          // no data in SSPBUF register

}//end of DataRdyI2C()

unsigned char ReadI2C(void)

    SSPCON2bits.RCEN = 1;     // enable master for 1 byte reception

    while (SSPSTATbits.BF == 0); // wait until byte received 

    while(PIR1bits.SSPIF == 0); //wait for interrupt

    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit

    return SSPBUF;    // return with read byte

}//end of ReadI2C()

unsigned char WriteI2C(unsigned char data_out)

    SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT = 1; //reset ACK bit flag

    SSPBUF = data_out;       // write single byte to SSPBUF

    if(SSPCON1bits.WCOL == 1)  // test if write collision occurred

        SSPCON1bits.WCOL = 0;     //Reset collision bit

        while(SSPSTATbits.BF == 1);   // wait until write cycle is complete                                


    while(PIR1bits.SSPIF == 0); //wait for interrupt

    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit

    if(SSPCON2bits.ACKSTAT == 0) //Was there an ACK sent from DS1307?

        return 1; //DS1307 sent ACK


        return 0; //No ACK was sent

}//end of WriteI2C()

void StartI2C(void)

    SSPCON2bits.SEN = 1; //Initiate Start condition

    while(PIR1bits.SSPIF == 0); //wait for interrupt

    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit

}//end of StartI2C()

void StopI2C(void)

    SSPCON2bits.PEN = 1; //Generate Stop condition

    while(PIR1bits.SSPIF == 0); //wait for interrupt

    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit   

}//end of StopI2C()

void I2C_Error(void)

    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle        

    StopI2C(); //Generates a Stop I2C condition

    IdleI2C(); //Loops until I2C BUS is Idle               

}//end of I2C_Error()


void main(void)

    //Reseting MSSP registers
    SSPCON1 = 0x00; // power on state
    SSPCON2 = 0x00; // power on state   
    //I2C SLAVE mode, 7 bit address, with Start & Stop bits interrupts enabled
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM3 = 1;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM2 = 1;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM1 = 1;
    SSPCON1bits.SSPM0 = 0;   
    SSPSTATbits.SMP = 1; //Slew rate set to NORMAL speed @ 100kHz   
    SSPADD = 0xD0; //SLAVE address is (7bit). Lsb is R/W flag bit
    SSPSTATbits.CKE = 0; //Disable SMBus   

    SSPCON1bits.CKP = 1; //Clock Released       
    SSPCON1bits.SSPEN = 1; //Enable I2C Master port                    
    SSPCON1bits.SSPOV = 0; //Clear Buffer Overflow

    PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit
    INTCONbits.INT0IF = 0;  //Reset the INT0 External Interrupt Flag bit

    INTCON = 0b10010000;  //Enables all high priority interrupts
                            //Disables all low priority peripheral interrupts
                          //Disable the TMR0 overflow interrupt
                          //Enables the INT0 external interrupt
                          //Disables the RB port change interrupt   

    d0 = SSPBUF; //clears BF

    d0 = 'R';  //assign data byte to be sent to MASTER   

    while(1); //loop forever

} //end of main()

void HighInterrupt (void)

    if(PIR1bits.SSPIF == 1) //if MSSP interrupt

        if(SSPSTATbits.S == 1) // Slave receives address/data after start
            if(SSPSTATbits.R_W == 1)    // Read request from master
               SSPBUF = d0;             //load data byte for transmit           
               SSPCON1bits.CKP = 1;        // Release SCL line to start transmit              

               while(SSPSTATbits.BF == 1);    //stay here until BF is cleared
            //recieve data from master
            if (SSPSTATbits.D_A == 1)        // Data [not address]                                                

                d3 = SSPBUF;                 // get data           


        if(SSPSTATbits.BF == 1) //buffer is full so empty it

            d4 = SSPBUF; // read buffer to clear flag

        PIR1bits.SSPIF = 0; //reset MSSP interrupt flag bit   


}//end of HIGH ISR
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