First project

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New Member
Hey all - wanted to say thanks for answering various questions I've raised in the past.

I've created my first little project. An Atari Punk Console. The circuit was originally published by Forest M Mims III back in the early eighties. It's a stepped tone generator, or more simply "it makes a bunch of cool sounds by turning a couple of knobs!".

This was the first circuit I built from scratch without a printed PCB. The first attempt I made used two 555 timers but I could not get that working so I decided to start over and use a single 556 instead.

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I happen to have a bunch of Forrest books and used the original schematic he posted since i found it easier to read. The above is just for reference. His circuit also called for two identical .01 uf caps so that is what i used, although I'm thinking of trying a .001 uf since alot of the atari punk posts seem to use that. Might give a more interesting sound.

I also hooked up a 10k audio pot to a headphone jack since I'm making this for a friend who is into electronic Music. I had a 100k audio taper but the 10k worked way better.

I'm thinking also of adding a opamp on the output configured as a voltage follower with unity gain and hear how that sounds. A friend who does audio electronics professionally suggested I give that a try.

I've included pics. I've noticed i made a mistake setting up the audio pot so I will fix that later when I have time. I'm going to put all of this in a enclosure and I'll post pics when that is done too.



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Guess my project is pretty boring!

Oh well.. I'm going to clean it up and make a sequencer next...
I liked his percussion synthesizer which was just a twin t osc' with variable gain (damping factor) and frequency. It was a pain in the neck to though, I recommend using multiturn pots.
Here's the schematic.

I've split the pots into two resistors to make it easier to adjust.

Add an LM386 amplifier, a speaker and off you go.

The original project used the LM741 which I recommend replacing with the TL801/82.

It can even be re-designed for single supply operation.
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Here's your circuit redesigned for a single supply.

You should upload the attachments rather than using a separate host which will render this thread meaningless if it goes down.

To attach a schematic, click on advanced and click on the manage attachments button.


  • Singl Sply synth.GIF
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I couldn't get the attachment thing to work.

This is probably because I post from work and the proxy I use doesn't work with the attachments feature.



Sorry I've hijacked your thread, your project looks pretty good - post the schematic.
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