first response monitor game

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New Member
I am trying to create a little quiz type game, like the popular show Sale of the Century. Our family would use the device to determine who will be able to answer the question when the TV show asks a question.


1) There are 3 players each with a press button and 2 LED's, Green and Red.
2) The first button pressed illuminates it's GREEN LED, and locks out the other 2 players, illuminating their RED LED's.
3) There is to be a RESET press button to turn off all LED's and make the circuit ready for the next question/round.

I will use CMOS 4000 series ICs.
Main Gate Type - NAND gates
Switching - Active high switch
LED's - Active high LED's
Quad 2 input NAND gates are to be used, CD4011B.
Inverter - HEX buffer Inverter TC4069
The power supply will be a 9 volt battery.

See the attachment for a diagram.

I have 2 Q's.
1) Need some help with resetting the circuit so all the LED's are off before the next round can begin.
2) Is this the right place to stick the inverter?


  • sale of the century3.pdf
    137.2 KB · Views: 199
The invertor is not going to make it work

I have looked very carefully thru you drawing, I can see what you are trying to do, but you will require a lot more logic to make it do what you want.

Its a very good idea, but I would suggest you relook at your design.
The problem with latches, is that one half of the latch must be ON and the other half OFF, until you flip it over, then they change to OFF, ON.
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Hi Sambols,

If you want the circuit to function the way you described, you gonna
have to make a few minor modifications.



  • Quiz circuit.GIF
    17 KB · Views: 357
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hi on1aag,

That should get the job done, I was thinking along the same lines.

I dont like to discourage young 'students' but the way that he had it drawn, it would not have worked without additional logic.

The problem he would have run into, was locking out the other players, on any 1st push.

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Can you help me to better understand the lockout using the following diagram.


  • flip-flop.pdf
    215 KB · Views: 206

Hope on1aag dosnt mind too much.

Look at the drawing,
when the RESET pb is pressed, thats the RED lettering
if #1 pb is pressed thats the BLACK lettering.

Basically after a RESET, any #1 thru #3 pb will change the state of its input latch and generate a clock pulse for the output latches.

After that single clock pulse no more postive going clock pulses can be generated, until the system is RESET.
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Quiz competition game circuit

Hello...I want to create a Quiz competition game circuit that also adds the scores of the players right answer's for questions,and subtracts the scores of wrong questions...I have tried to find this circuit,but the only one available is the circuit that only tells which player pressed the button first,,I want this circuit to be extended and also add/subtract the scores using BCD/Binary adders and subtractors,,,Any help will be great to me..
Start a new thread Rizwan606. This one is dead (and 3 years old).

Sounds like homework, put it in the appropriate forum.
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