You may have meter static build up. This would give you very unreliable meter readings. Never polish the plastic meter face! It creates a significant static charge. The Meter is a very good capacitor. The plastic face cover, the metal plate, and the plastic meter back make a dandy capacitor that can randomly freeze the needle. Carefully!!!! pry off the cover and wash it in mild dishwash detergent. Air dry!!!! Run a #2 graphite pencil around the perimeter of the meter cover. The graphite can bleed off some of the charge. You may notice a rough dull coating on the lower portion and around the meter. This was the origional esd control applied at the factory. Also if the 4 meter mounting bolts are insulated from the metal plate by tape this adds to the capacitive effect. Remove the tape and use a washer to raise the screw head grounding the metal meter plate to the screw to the chasis. Well worth the try. Good luck.