Fixed Point Translation

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On the 4th page of the attached document i am trying to understand how they arrived at the conversions. Eg. ow they got +9.2 base 16(fixed point) as 49 base 16 (2's complement) without knowing the binary representation.


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Hi Again,

On page 5 under the heading Interpretation. I don't understand how they arrived at the "Signed binary number:", "Floating point number (IEEE)" and "Visual C representaion". I understand the most significant bit is the sign bit so if is a 1 is a negative number but still don't understand how they arriving at those numbers. Any explanations please.
9.2 base 16 means 9 + 2/16

They are using a representation that has 3 binary digits after the decimal point, so that means that the number is multiplied by 2^3 = 8 to get it to the correct representation.

9.2 base 16 * 8 = 9 * 8 + 2/16 * 8 = 72 + 1 = 73

73 is 49 base 16

I hope this helps
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