Fixing ugly sound in youtube

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Active Member
I have found this trick, it may be useful to you.

Usually, youtube videos are played with ugly picture and sound quality. Even when the source can offer better quality, the "Watch in High Quality" link is not always shown

To correct it, add "&fmt=18" at the end of the URL, without the " "


Horrible sound

YouTube - Out of Space .Prodigy.

Much Better, with the &fmt=18 added (stereo)

YouTube - Out of Space .Prodigy.

ps: For some people used to other types of music, Prodigy may sound awful in both cases. This video is only to show the technique, don't get mad
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I say that because Prodigy plus a good [amplificator + subwoofer] make a very effective weapon to repel parents, grandparents, girlfriend, neighbors, mascots, and attract the police (personal experience).

That gives me an idea, what about making a list of bands and songs suitable for Hi-Fi testing? Not only by personal taste, I mean due sound quality (recording techniques used), and frecuencies employed, useful to see how far the system can go.

(just names, no piracy!)
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