What is the ampere hour rating of the battery you wish to charge? Do you mean to float charge at between 13.5 and 13.8 volts? Do you want the full charge circuit to sense charge voltage or charge current?
12V20AH is a 20 Amp-Hour 12 Volt battery. It
came with the 12V700ma wall adapter (both from
one of those jump start toys).
I'm going to have a 4T2P switch, one throw
being "off", one being a direct connection to the wall
adapter (so when it needs a charge I'll start it off
at the full current and voltage), another throw being
a "slower" charger (the one with the resistor?, so I
could leave it unattended while re-charging), and
the final throw being a float charger circuit (which I
have) to leave it "on" in "standby" (to extend
intervals between charging).
The purpose of not going solely through the float
charger, is because my entire circuit (which MAY
have up to 2A of draw) is going to be connected to
the battery, and once the battery NEEDS a charge,
the float charger may not be able to "top off" the
battery, because I'll still be drawing UP to 2A off of
the battery 24/7. The float charger is also being
supplied by the 12V700ma wall adapter (though the
circuit I have specifies a 500ma transformer, I don't
believe the 200ma difference will matter <utilizes an
LM2941CT regulator).
And even if it would, I would have the fast/slow
bypass available to get the charge "going", at least
until I get the battery up to a voltage level that will
be easier on the float charger. The circuit for the
float charger specifies to set the output voltage at
The circuit will not always be drawing up to 2A,
and I simply mean to incorporate a method of
bypassing the float charger if it is needed, and also
when I know it needs a significant charge, then the
draw that the float charger circuitry would normally
be using up, can be routed directly to the battery
hence recharging the battery a little faster. The
circuit does always draw right about 1.2A.
I want the circuit to sense BATTERY voltage, so
I will likely also have to incorporate a sampler timer
to disconnect the battery from the charger, say for 5
seconds every two minutes, to send status to the
L.E.D. ("on" when in desperate need of re-charge
{<11.1V?}, fast "flashing" when approaching
desperate re-charge to slow "flashing" when
approaching re-charged {11.1V? to 13.1V?} with it's
oscillation being linearly related??, and "off" when
charged {>13.1V so I'll know to return the bypass to
utilize float charger}. I'm only guessing, but I'll
probably only have to "sequence" a bypass every
couple of weeks {or maybe even longer?} with the
float charger connected all the time. The sampler
timer will always be cycling as well.
My circuitry's mostly run through some 5V
regulators and the (always on) stepper motor, runs
through a 10V regulator, (only regulated in order to
more closely regulate it's timing), so when the
battery dips it won't affect how the device (Lehman
Seismometer and helicorder w/a servo driven stylus)
operates. I just want the battery to survive,
especially for when the power goes out, and a simple
L.E.D. to show me how the battery is doing. And
when the power does goes out, especially if it's for a
long duration, I know I'll be better off trying to more
quickly re-charge 90% of it, compared to the float
charger taking several days to do it (as far as the
battery's "lifespan" is concerned).
FYI...The float charge circuit I have incorporates
full charge "detection" as well as the temperature
compensation. Mostly, this thread is about the status
monitor and the slow charge resistor(?), not the
charging of the battery (I've read tons of threads
here and elsewhere re such), and unless say the V
levels that I've specified herein (L.E.D. levels / float
charger) would be better off at another value, I'm
intent on manufacturing a bypass even if the float
charger could handle it all by itself, so please don't
write trying to change my mind about HOW to charge
the battery...