Flashing Led Protection

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Well-Known Member

I need to protect my greenhouse from some of the younger folk who are starting to get adventurous in recovering their footballs etc.

The sliding door does have a small padlock on it , but there is little to stop a sheet of glass being removed or kicked in.

Gone are the days when a flashing red led would fool folk that the car or house has got special electronic protection.

I've rigged up an old cctv camera, clearly visible inside the greenhouse and put up a warning sign.

Think it would look better if there was some visible light beam or similar to additionally deter them but as its in an obviously very sunny bright area it would need to be very strong to be seen.

Any thoughts apart from 230vAc !!

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A light beam visible in very sunny area would have to be insanely bright. Just put up more warning signs and rig more fake cameras. Simple garden light at night time could be useful.

If you want just some good "attentiont" light, then a blinking red light would be better than static bright white.
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You can't have too bright a light, or one of the little oiks will be suing you for retinal damage!
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