Flashy project

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New Member
Hi All

I am trying to find a suitable product or project to turn a simple single button press, into a user defined and prefereably adjustable sequence of on/off events. Had a look at 555 controllers, and I can't find one to do quite what I'm after.

Effectively want to be able to press a single button, that would then produce a series of 5-10 flashes over a period of 2-3 seconds. Ideally both of these numbers would be able to be user defined.

Does something like this exist??

Any advice much appreciated.

Well there are ways.
How much are you willing to spend?
Can you make electronics?
Can you program?

The usual response to price - as little as possible to do the job I need!! What sort of cost are you thinking?
Haven't made any electronics stuff since I was a kid and progaming isn't top of my abilities list!!

I was hoping that there was something really simple out there that already existed??

It also needs to be robst enough to handle vibrations and not the greatest environment in a car.

Don't want much do I?
As mentioned above, a microcontroller will do the trick. They're cheap and will be the smallest and most configurable way of achieving what you seem to be after.
Sounds good. Can you give me a pointer? Or is the 10F series pic the thing??

Or does someone want to make me one??? Obviously on exchange for beer or money!
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Sounds good. Can you give me a pointer? Or is the 10F series pic the thing??
Yes, a PIC10F or PIC12F (or any other cheap microcontroller).

Or does someone want to make me one??? Obviously on exchange for beer or money!
I probably won't mind writing the program for it, but I'm guessing you're not in Australia, so posting it won't be an option. Perhaps you can ask someone closer to home to burn one for you.

You'll have to describe what you actually want it to achieve though in more detail than above though...
You can use one of these if you cant make your own;
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We are tyring to achieve a push to pass flash sequence on the main beam lights on one of our race cars. The main beam works as normal via the stalk no problems.
We have a spare button on the wheel that is also connected to the main power controller and which can then controls the lights. What we want to do is turn the single push to make, of the wheel button into a sequence of flashes, that we can adjust the frequency and count on. In effect the driver presses the button once, the lights flash quickly on its own. The output from the wheel is very low current, as the power side is taken care of by the power controller side of things.
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The Mini Brick will work fine for your application. It is 12 volts has a trigger input and can be programed any way you want.
This one is cheepper only $50. It is a single channel, just what you need.
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Looks good to me!! Many thanks for the suggestions. Will let you know how we get on. And how long it lasts!!
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