Flight MH370....new theory going viral.

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Many people died - I don't see anything funny about it at all!!

1.You don't know they are dead yet.
2. See the humor when funny links are referred to like this one above: https://zapatopi.net/afdb/
3. Stop your red carding good people because they have a sense of humor.
4. Stop trolling. Your apology to Nigel meant nothing last time. You are here simply to cause unhappiness/friction between Members..in other words you are a troll.

Post reported.

That's a badge of honor coming from the likes of you!
And BTW, I don't remember any problems until you came back.
That's a badge of honor coming from the likes of you!
And BTW, I don't remember any problems until you came back.


I have have been here a long time. Never red card Members.....Heck they are my friends. And I love them all and RESPECT them.
Problem with someone like you entering this thing is you don't really understand what is going on.

And that causes other issues.

So, the "badge of honor" chirp does not cut it. And BTW , I really don't remember you as a "relevant person"....do I know you

Oh yeah...that one

LOL. Go away and play.
Please stop talking to me. You make me sick to my stomach.
tvtech, nobody is in control in this thread. Let's get back to the main topic please.

If you'd like to talk about Tesla, you can either start a new thread or PM me. I just don't want to see this thread taken any further off-track

Again we have a thread that is heading down the gutter!!!

This abusive content will not be tolerated...

skimask87 This is the second thread you have trashed... You are on a first warning!

Thread closed!!
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