Flip Flop toggle only works momentarily?

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Taking comments above on board, here's a suggested improved debounced circuit. Switching pulse rise and fall times are both < 2uS. In simulation a 10mS train of 0.5 mS pulses at 1kHz rate represents switch bounce and gives rise to a single switching pulse.
The bjt is replaced by a FET.
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The fall time can't be < 2us since R3 = 2M.
The fall time can't be < 2us since R3 = 2M.
The pulse is differentiated by the 10nF*150Ω. When the switch is released, the output voltage will go below ground by less than a millivolt (12V*150Ω/2Meg=900uV).
The pulse is differentiated by the 10nF*150Ω. When the switch is released, the output voltage will go below ground by less than a millivolt (12V*150Ω/2Meg=900uV).

When the button is released, the time constant is 10 nF * 1M = 10 ms.

So the FF needs a Schmitt Trigger input to cope wih such a long fall time.
When the button is released, the time constant is 10 nF * 1M = 10 ms.

So the FF needs a Schmitt Trigger input to cope wih such a long fall time.
The slow fall time is on the left side of the capacitor. The 150Ω resistor differentiates this slow exponential.
Another way of looking at it: The time constant is 10nF*(2Meg+150Ω). The output is 150/(2Meg+150) of the 12V exponential ramp.
Run a simulation if you can't envision it.
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But the long TC is on the switch side of the dif cap. the other side is quite fast. 10nf x 150Ω.

Slow fingers.
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But the long TC is on the switch side of the dif cap. the other side is quite fast. 10nf x 150Ω.

Slow fingers.
Yes, I was concentrating on the time constant & forgertting about the voltage division due to the 2 resistors.

It's an interesting point.
But the long TC is on the switch side of the dif cap. the other side is quite fast. 10nf x 150Ω.

Slow fingers.
When the switch closes, the time constant is 10nF*150Ω.
When the switch opens, the time constant is ≈20mS. The 150Ω resistor is part of that time constant. The resistive divider, 150/(2Meg+150), means that less than 1mV appears across the 150Ω resistor.
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I agree.

However it is -1mV since the discharge current goes through the 2 M resistor then back to the capacitor via the 150Ω.
Thanks for explaining that, guys. I was beginning to doubt (not for the first time ) my sanity.
I agree.

However it is -1mV since the discharge current goes through the 2 M resistor then back to the capacitor via the 150Ω.
Yeah, I said essentially that in post #24:
The pulse is differentiated by the 10nF*150Ω. When the switch is released, the output voltage will go below ground by less than a millivolt (12V*150Ω/2Meg=900uV).
Thanks everyone for your posts

The circuit that alec_t initially posted works well with the decoupling cap added to it. It turns off and on with every push of the switch. I saw the second diagram is supposedly a better debounce circuit and uses a MOSFET transistor ( i think). Even though the one I have now works, would you guys suggest that one? I couldn't quite follow all of the posts to tell if it is good or not..
Even though the one I have now works
There were valid criticisms of my first circuit; hence the second one. But I'm a great believer in "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
I would use the MOSFET. Most BJTs don't have enough current gain to predictably sink 240mA when being driven from CD4000 logic, unless you use a Darlington, and then you suffer at least a volt Vce(sat).
Yes, I agree with Ron.

But remember that MOSFETs are static sensitive so you need to take some modest precautions when handling them.

I suggest you do a search for ESD (Electrostatic discharge) if you don't know about this issue.

Also note that, just because something works does not necessarily mean that it is satisfactory.

While working as a design engineer in a large company, I was occasionally called upon to fix design issues in circuits that had been designed by someone else.

On one occasion, I discussed it with the original designer, & his comment was "Oh, but it worked in the lab".
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