FM booster

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New Member
can anyone help me to find the FM booster circuit schematics .or anyone did the project before..can plz send me the schematics or the report...plz. Thank you so much. :?
what do you mean by FM booster?
to increase level of modulation?
to increase RF output of the transmitter?
to increase sensitivity of receiver?
how is this related to robotics section?
can anyone help me to find the FM booster circuit schematics...
what FM booster?

...or anyone did the project before..
I didn't make this "FM booster" before because I dont know what one you are talking about.

can (you) plz send me the schematics or the report...plz. Thank you so much.
What kind of report, and why?

Have you thought of
This RF amplifier will simply overload the input of a cheap radio and will simply add noise to a good quality very sensitive radio.
It was probably designed 50 years ago when there was only a couple of weak far away FM stations.

A cheap radio is made with poor sensitivity so that it is not badly overloaded by strong local stations and to avoid interference from strong local stations on weak adjacent stations because its selectivity is poor. My cheap Sony Walkman radio has a local/distant antenna attenuator switch. In the "distant" position the strong local stations are smeared all across the dial.
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