For EE (or something else equivalent)

Have you ever flunked a paper during your undergraduate years?

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Man.. I needed to retake one paper before I graduate, I could give lots of reason why I flunked it, but the bottom line is I really feel embarrassed sitting with juniors with that imaginary REPEAT PAPER flag in crimson font hanging over my head.. My electronics street cred is somehow challenged by this.

Just wanna know how many of you guys experienced the same thing?
Dont sweat it.
If you where sitting right next to me I would probably care less about your situation. Its just part of learning.
I've been handed my butt far more than once and its just part of the learning experience.

I recall having a calculus class that had absolutely no practical purpose for my degree and real life applications. I failed every test every time.
However the tests where always lecture hall style with 300 - 400 other students. I would pick an out of the way place to sit in the back and then basically waist time until the point that had I actually been very good at that sort of stuff I should likely be finishing early.
I would then confidently walk down the isle with a big grin and the overall appearance that I thought that it was easy and that I also had done well. I would turn in my test and stroll out the lecture hall with a big grin and give everyone else a quick look back and smile confidently to top it off!

Sure I had a 100% fail but it flustered the overachievers and messed with the A++ brown nosers who viciously compete to be the first done and the best one the test so bad it was worth it!
To this day there are 300 - 400 people who think I am very good at calculus and 1 professor and 4 teaching assistants plus myself who know when it comes to calculus I am dumber than dirt and dont care either.
Learn to accept failure with a big grin and a confident attitude. It just makes everything tougher for everyone else who doesn't!
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hehe... thanks for the chicken soup stuff.. I got used to having good grades (since the EE in my University is the 'top' department) and all that BS, but this shook me hard.. and the share is for bringing me back to ground zero with the REAL electronics guys here... call it lame but I feel it matters at least to me.
"... I learned 1000 ways how NOT to make a light bulb."
"He who never fails, never learns."

And my personal favorite.
"People who THINK they know everything are particularly aggravating to those of us who do."

Don't sweat the competition. It's only in their heads.
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