Someone got mine free (borrowed) many many years ago, I would have liked to keep it as a souvenir! Now I rely upon ISBN 007-881538 by H.Schildt not a bad replacement. I used to have the whole of Unix system IV and loads of others but I ran out of bookcase, great shame nobody wants that stuff now.
Someone got mine free (borrowed) many many years ago, I would have liked to keep it as a souvenir! Now I rely upon ISBN 007-881538 by H.Schildt not a bad replacement. I used to have the whole of Unix system IV and loads of others but I ran out of bookcase, great shame nobody wants that stuff now.
Someone got mine free (borrowed) many many years ago, I would have liked to keep it as a souvenir! Now I rely upon ISBN 007-881538 by H.Schildt not a bad replacement. I used to have the whole of Unix system IV and loads of others but I ran out of bookcase, great shame nobody wants that stuff now.
Someone got mine free (borrowed) many many years ago, I would have liked to keep it as a souvenir! Now I rely upon ISBN 007-881538 by H.Schildt not a bad replacement. I used to have the whole of Unix system IV and loads of others but I ran out of bookcase, great shame nobody wants that stuff now.
The site uses the original version from 1978 annotated by Dr Chuck Severance.
At the time of the writing of the first K&R C there were many unknowns. The annotation fills in some gaps and history of interest. I can give 42 reasons why you would never be interested. Just saying.
C the complete reference Sorry I abbreviated the ISBN a little.
No I don't have any association with sites etc but always been a fan of Douglas Adams, all our many systems at work in the 70's & 80's were named after his characters. Also for some reason Snow White and the seven dwarfs featured but somehow Star Wars got left out! My handle has always been fourtytwo, the ultimate answer to the ultimate question, but as anybody who knows the book knows by the time the answer had been found the question had been forgotten, as you get older so often the case