Probably not. The CANbus databases are commercial secrets.
What are you trying to send to the instrument pack? Graphical information isn't often sent on CANbus as there isn't really enough bandwidth for that.
It may be possible to reverse engineer the data on the CANbus. You would start with taking a log from the CANbus, and then seeing what signals are changing in response to the variable you are looking for. If you are looking for time signals, look for something that changes every second, and goes from 0 to 59 (or 0x3B if it's in hexadecimal) and then back to zero.
I've managed to find fuel level on car's CANbus by taking a log that started before the car was refuelled and ended when the fuel tank was full. Here is a graph of fuel level against time, using that information. The flat bits correspond to the car not being used. It was on a Jaguar X-type which shares a lot of features with a Ford Mondeo.
View attachment 143305