Ford giving out 2011 Ford Fiestas

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Did you ever wonder why the Ford Escort was called the Escort?

Think about it. An escourt is a polite name for a hooker. We all know people that have purchased an "escourt" at one time or another. But how many of them wanted to be seen in public with one?

When you are driving an escort around do you really want to be seen in public with it?
When people see you with either one they automaticaly know you had paid someone just to get screwed!
An escort is also a protector, I think that's more of what they had in mind when the picked the name =) Despite the hooker connotations there are professional escort services out there that are really just that, providing a male or female escort to come along with you into socially new territory. I've heard them called relationship facilitators, no sex involved, they're just there try to get you hooked up with someone else =)
Have you ever driven an escort? trust me you feel less safe and far more screwed!

A company I worked for had escorts for sevice vehicals (way stupid) One winter I rolled mine in four inches of snow in the middle of the road while going less than 15 mph. (It slid sideways, That was all it took to do a 360 roll over!) I landed back on the tires( engine still running!) and drove it the rest of the way back to work.

The company bought them as a fleet for $14000 each. Mine was less than a year old had 35000 miles on it and nearly $8500 in documented warranty work!
Most of the others they had were no better.
They had no power, no heat in the winter and the worst gas millage of any small car I have ever been around. And the maintenance was nuts too!
I drove an '83 Fiesta for a couple of years, paid $200 for it. Paid another $236 for tires (12" rims, not an easy find then). Ran the hell out of it, 4 speed manual transmission, and actually pretty good leg room for such a small car. Got side-swipe by a tourist in Orlando, front fender bent into the wheel well, door messed up. Rental car insurance classified it as totaled, paid $1635 (about 7 months later), and I got to keep the car. I kept driving it after the accident, just had to grab the fender and pull it away from the fender, bent pretty easy. Beat on the door for a while with hammer after I got home, opened and closed fairly easy. Sold it for $200, after the insurance finally paid off.

Yeah, I'd drive another one, if it were free or cheap.
I'd Take the brand new Fiesta! Then sell it and use the money to by a good used mercury grand marquis and pay off the rest of my college loans!

105 hp, 1.5L engine. 48 mpg. 2100 LBs. curb wheight.

Its 5 times heavier than my motorcycle but only has 17 more hp!

Sorry I do not want a car that I will increase the curb wheight by 12% just by me getting into it!
The only trailer I could pull with it would be the one I use behind my garden tractor.

My 7 year old niece would love it though! It would make a good gocart!
Sorry tcmtech I have to disagree, aside from the repair issues you were talking about I like tiny cars =) The curb weight on my Neon was only 2400lbs, and I loved that thing. I'd go smaller if I could but the saftey issues of such a light car are a problem, especially here in the US where soccer moms drive big SUV's around all day.
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I am a larger build person. 6'3", 250 #'s, muscular build. Plus my line of work is not small vehical friendly. Neither is our weather. Runtmobiles just arnt practical for me for personal use or work or year round driving conditions I have to contend with.

My next work pickup will hopefully be at least an F-350 Super duty, FWD, dually, four door, With a 10' flatbed and a built up engine in the 400-500 hp range.

I know some of my friends drive small vehicals and love them. I do too! I give them one free pull out every winter then charge them $20 for the next pull and $30 for the next one and so on.
It gives me the giggles to have to rescue someone that stuck in the middle of a open road in 2 inches of snow! Just because they hit an icey spot on a slight incline.

No insult was intended.
Fiestas and Escorts are toys, no cars.

With cars it's like it is with ships. The length (distance between axles) is decisive for longitudinal stability.

The Ford I used was a "battle ship" type "Granada" station wagon. It wasn't very fast (195km/h) but very stabil in any weather condition.

All newly designed cars have a big disadvantage. To reduce the cw-value (aerodynamic resistance or drag) they have no edges which one will notice when there are strong and gusty crosswinds. The car doesn't move like having wheels, but jumps like a young horse.

Concerning safety, the best thing you can drive is a tank. I drive a modified M113. Nobody dares to mess around with a tank, meaning I don't have any trouble with the right of way.

I'm 5'9 130lbs =\ When I turned 16 my body said, nope this is good enough we're not doing anything else! I'm 33 now my weight doesn't go up or down more than 5lbs regardless of what I eat or how much. I guess I was born with the 'twiggy' gene. No insult gotten =) I'm not easy to offend, everyone's got different tastes.
The offer was reinstated as recent as late February/early March by a different dealer.
I have a good friend that has a Dodge Neon. Shes pretty petite, so it fits her well. I drove it one day. I am 6' 2" and 200 pounds. After sliding the seat back a bit, I was surprised at how comfortable it was.

A guy I used to work with was huge, 6'6" 250 pounds. He fit in his wifes VW beetle.

I don't think I'd wanna crash into anything with these little cars, but they do seem to think of the long legged crowd when designing them.
I have driven many of the small cars and I have never had many problems with leg room.

Its the having to hug the steering wheel so I can look out the windshield that I hate so much. I either have to be slouched over or have the seat leaned so far back I cant reach the steering wheel in order to get any head room. Thats why I like the bigger older cars. Six inches between me and the ceiling, and I can see out at the same time!

Some of the newer stuff is retarded in its design for us taller people. I have been in several newer cars and pickups that have the headroom but all I see is the visor or blue line at the top of the glass. My forward vision is terrible when I am sitting up comfortably!
Fiestas and Escorts are toys, no cars.

It wasn't very fast (195km/h)

God!!! Legal speed limit here is just 80 km/h, and maximum speed you can get before the next sharp turn is maybe 160 km/h

Is funny to see how the landscape and distances affect how speed is perceived. I remember back in California, at 60 miles per hour (120 km/h) the road the lines, the trees and the other cars move sloooowly across the windshield. People can drive with the knees, take a nap or a shower before having to turn the wheel again.

Here in Bogotá, 90 km/h and the road signs fly, the other cars and people vanish... Cruise control? What cruise control? There is not time for that, you can almost feel the G force on the chest!! hahaha
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I either have to be slouched over or have the seat leaned so far back I cant reach the steering wheel in order to get any head room. Thats why I like the bigger older cars. Six inches between me and the ceiling, and I can see out at the same time!

yeah, thats true. You gotta really watch the bumps.

I remember smashing my head into the roof of an old International Eagal gravel truck once. Hit a big dip by some RR tracks going a bit fast and empty.
I know, Didnt I buy it from you?

Does this bring back memories?

I did have to fix the pull cord and clean the grass out of the carb to get it to run reliably for my 7 year old niece! She says thank you by the way!


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