former question

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New Member
Do I have to upload images in order to embed them here?

Anyway. Please see my question attached to the image.
Thank you


  • Q5.A8..gif
    10.8 KB · Views: 315
Instead of clicking on insert attachment, click on insert inline.

You can also attach as usual and edit it later with image tags to the attachment URL.

I've just realised attaching inline causes the image to be scaled down so you're better off using image tags.

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I copied that url from the image window when i try to insert images. I guess that is not right either.
Is there any info on this site to show how to achieve this?
You tried to use HTML tags which the forum doesn't like, you need img tags, click on the button and it does it for you.
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That's probably just a link to a script, not an image.

Try opening the attachment in a new window and pasting the url from there.
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new window?
You mean make a post as I did initially, then open the image by clicking on it (the thing you don't wish to do) and copying that url. Then making another post and by using that url. Just tried that above with no joy and seems strange solution?
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Got it!

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How do I delete the original from the edited post.

And are my answers to the questions correct?


  • Q5.A8..gif
    10.8 KB · Views: 273
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You can't delete the thumnail (assuming that's what you're talking about).

The frequency calculation is certainly right. I'm not sure about the voltage because I've not done this kind of thing for a long time.
Why have you calculated the RMS voltage, then the peak and converted it back to RMS?

Surely this adds more error into the calculation with no benefit?
I'd be tempted to repeat my previous answer but maybe you've made a mistake and the previous formula gives the peak voltage? Sorry I can't help you perhaps you could try Wikipedia?
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