Forutne Cookie

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Well I was eating some panda express and got this as my fortune cookie.

Kinda Ironic considering I drive about 80 miles a day to work and back

**broken link removed**
That and I was looking for an excuse to show off my new digital camera
I think irony would be if it said, "The road before you is long - watch it instead of reading this, and stop eating Chinese food while driving!"

The best fortune cookie I ever had was during my first week of uni. A group of about a dozen new friends and I decided to put in a Chinese order. I was the only music student in the group, and my fortune was quite specific: "You will be a great musician." It's almost come true! I'm great. I'm a musician. I just have to get those two things working together!

Nice camera, great focus on the small detail. Would you mind telling us what you're using?
Marks256 said:
never mind the camera. what about the laptop? Make/model and some specs would be nice...
From the shape of the front panel and width of the screen I would say it's probably a HP laptop probably DV---- something.
Camera Nikon Coolpix L10
Hp DV 6500
Windows Headache (vista)
AMD Athalon 1.8 gig 32/64 on demand TK-55
2 gig memory
Nvidia graphics
Broadcom G+ wireless
100 Gig hard drive.
15.5" screen
3.1mp webcam
Lightscribe DVD R+RW drive
i hate 2k. just as much as i hate visa. 2k is the MOST unstable os i have ever had to do work on. well, i guess ME would have to be the worst...
Marks256 said:
hmm.... seems like it would be a nice laptop with xp or, even better, linux on it.

Yea, when I first looked at the specs I said to my self "Damn, this should be a really freakin good laptop " And when I open it and fire it up. Dissapointment galore.
believe it or not, i am actually trying to repair a DV6000 right at the moment!

i hate windows.... i cannot get it on the internet! it keeps assigning its self weird and random ip addresses!?!?!? I tried to con the owner into putting linux on it (as i do with all of my less fortunate customers), but that was a no-go.
Never tried Linux, the thing I hate the most about windows headache is the copy protection measures. I was going to put my sons sesame street dvd in for him to watch on the way to his grand parents house, and I got an error message stating that windows would not play the dvd until it could access the internet and verify the license.

Get this, If I uninstall headache and put anything elso on here I will void my warranty. so I'm screwed
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you could always use a linux live cd until your warranty is out. sure, you wouldn't be able to use your DVD drive (so it would be kinda pointless), but it would be an improvement over pista. Another thing you could do is put damn small linux on a jump drive, and just run that through windoz. it works kinda nice.
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