Fox News

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As I think of it - "Faux News"...

I do agree mostly with Birdman's assessment; the only worthwhile news source that I've found (beyond the confines of the 'net) has been NPR. Is NPR completely unbiased? No. Do I believe it leans heavily liberal or conservative? No - for the most part, I think it is pretty balanced and objective. I certainly find it a better source than most other sources out there, though.

But Fox News? It's "news" in name only, what little of it I have recently seen. This has been mostly at my mother-in-law's house, where she has it turned on nearly 24/7 so she won't miss a thing Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity say; after all, Armegeddon and Satan are right around the corner, and you need to stock up and sell or buy gold, and head for the hills - seriously, she's so wrapped up in that woo - ugh; I really don't like that channel, and I am glad I don't have cable TV at my house (the rest of the channels are little better - all of it rots your brain, IMHO).

Instead, now I sit reading and posting blogs, forums, and other such things on the internet - a much better "waste of time and brain rotting experience", if I might say...

“What I listen to is balanced, for the most part, it’s the other news that biased.”
There's Fox News for the Right and MSNBC and CNN for the Left. So what to both. Just take it all in stride and go from there with your own conclusions after investigating further via other resources.
Just run a sample and hold circuit on each news network including NPR with some BBC tossed in. Then do the averaging and filtering. Whatever comes out is something close to the current news. A little right and a little left and add salt and pepper to taste.

I was once an MSNBC fanatic, but I can hardly stand it anymore. I watch CNN every morning while I'm getting ready for work, but that's about as much as I can take. I mostly just scan the wires anymore.
Money makes News...

I think you have it but, turn it around.

News makes money, it all depends on how it's biased.

Amazingly some people on the "Left" will watch Fox or like stations (Just to see how wrong the get it?), while some on the "Right" watch CNN or other sources for the same reason.

Then on either side you have most of each only watching stations that will broadcast their views. The more inflammatory the better as they watch ratings go up.

Me I try not to watch the news. I can't do anything about most things that get my temper so I don't want to know. I pick it up on the side if it's that necessary. Internet etc.
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