I'm having difficulties troubleshooting a possible unintended latch. The board I'm testing with is an Altera DE2-115. I'm using the platform designer and the VHDL code that I had to enter was just the component and ports:
I commented out the 7-segs (hex) because the issue is causing the ledr14 to go out unintentionally; this is the issue I'm having. Is it the code, or possibly the .qsys file?
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;
entity de2_test_proj is
clock_50: in std_logic;
reset: in std_logic;
gpio: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- Access to GPIO(0 - 1)?
ledr: out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
sw: in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);
--hex0, hex1, hex2, hex3: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
lcd_data: inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
lcd_blon: out std_logic;
lcd_on: out std_logic;
lcd_en: out std_logic;
lcd_rs: out std_logic;
lcd_rw: out std_logic
end entity;
architecture behavioral of de2_test_proj is
component de2_proj is
port (
clk_clk : in std_logic := 'X'; -- clk
gpio_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0); -- export
led_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
-- hex0_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- export
-- hex1_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- export
-- hex2_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- export
-- hex3_pio_external_connection_export : out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); -- export
reset_reset_n : in std_logic := 'X'; -- reset_n
sw_pio_external_connection_export : in std_logic_vector(1 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- export
character_lcd_0_external_interface_DATA : inout std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := (others => 'X'); -- DATA
character_lcd_0_external_interface_ON : out std_logic; -- ON
character_lcd_0_external_interface_BLON : out std_logic; -- BLON
character_lcd_0_external_interface_EN : out std_logic; -- EN
character_lcd_0_external_interface_RS : out std_logic; -- RS
character_lcd_0_external_interface_RW : out std_logic -- RW
end component de2_proj;
u0 : component de2_proj
port map (
clk_clk => clock_50, -- clk.clk
gpio_pio_external_connection_export => gpio(1 downto 0), -- gpio_pio_external_connection.export
led_pio_external_connection_export => ledr(1 downto 0), -- led_pio_external_connection.export
-- hex0_pio_external_connection_export => hex0(7 downto 0), -- hex0_pio_external_connection.export
-- hex1_pio_external_connection_export => hex1(7 downto 0), -- hex1_pio_external_connection.export
-- hex2_pio_external_connection_export => hex2(7 downto 0), -- hex2_pio_external_connection.export
-- hex3_pio_external_connection_export => hex3(7 downto 0), -- hex3_pio_external_connection.export
reset_reset_n => '1', -- reset.reset_n
sw_pio_external_connection_export => sw(1 downto 0), -- sw_pio_external_connection.export
character_lcd_0_external_interface_DATA => lcd_data(7 downto 0), -- character_lcd_0_external_interface.DATA
character_lcd_0_external_interface_ON => lcd_on, -- .ON
character_lcd_0_external_interface_BLON => lcd_blon, -- .BLON
character_lcd_0_external_interface_EN => lcd_en, -- .EN
character_lcd_0_external_interface_RS => lcd_rs, -- .RS
character_lcd_0_external_interface_RW => lcd_rw -- .RW
end architecture;
I commented out the 7-segs (hex) because the issue is causing the ledr14 to go out unintentionally; this is the issue I'm having. Is it the code, or possibly the .qsys file?