Fracking in Yellowstone

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Well-Known Member
G'day Guy's,
My missus is reading a book where it says fracking can cause earth tremors due to high pressure water flowing thru rock formations. Now just go google fracking in yellowstone and all the hits I saw was for the wildlife etc.

Now lets think about this forcing high pressure water into a super volcano, is this a good idea to get what gas out and experience a few small tremors......

Will it awaken the ol' gal and save the world from the modern corrupt system we live in.......
I live in Youngstown, Oh, on New Years Eve in 2012 we had a 4.0 earthquake. Case was not from fracking but was related to it. Fracking itself doesn't cause the quakes, because most of the water is forced/pumped back out of the well. It's the "brine injection wells" that cause the problem. They are used to dispose of the used fracking liquid. They are drilled into a porous rock strata and left there under great pressure, and volume is constantly added. It lubricates the surrounding rock and allows them to move.
Well, Shell is proposing fracking in the Karoo area of South Africa. Lot's of Gas available way underground...apparently.

Very little water in the Karoo. And fracking requires lots of water.
So they (Shell) will probably pipe water that they need frack everything up.

So residents in the area have said NO. Don't Frack up our lovely haven here.

Frack off and do it elsewhere.

Frack fracking. Until the huge Companies can do it properly...with guaranteed results. And not cripple already water comprimised places like the Karoo area of South Africa. The Karoo is basically a desert. Water is a precious commodity.

Fracking here:**broken link removed**

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I guess that is enough for now.

My uncle owns a house on a lake which I occasionally go to for vacation time. A year or two ago they were doing fracking nearby, and it was friggin loud! Constant banging noise 24/7! We even had to get ourselves tested because they found radioactive stuff in the well water! The fracking caused the well water to be very dirty/polluted for a long time!...

Hi Ben

You see it too . I have never personally experienced Fracking.....but it has a very bad Reputation.

So, that is why I discuss it here.

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What the frack is "fracking"?

Hydraulic fracturing. It has been around for a couple of decades. They pump a mixture of really fine sand and water, along with other chemicals,mostly surfactants (soap). The sand stays in the cracks that form when the rock formation fractures, allowing the gas/oil to flow out into the well.

The charges of water well contamination are not believable to me. Not from the fracking. From the drilling though the water table, yes. But not the fracking.

I say this because I have two gas wells on my property. Drilled in 1999. I watched them do the drilling, saw how it was done. They first drilled a hole about 12" diameter, down about 1500 feet. Then it was filled with hydraulic cement pumped in under pressure, and the state was there to do testing on the cement, to make sure it met the specifications. The they drilled though the cement with a 4" hole to the depth needed to get to the rock strata they were after. The a 4" steel casing was driven down to the depth, and the casing was grouted under pressure with a special cement.

Then the well was fracked. Two days 24 hours a day for each well. 12 semi trailer size water tanks hooked to two of the largest diesel pumps I've ever seen. Then the water pumped back out of the well.

So chances of any thing coming up from the gas level are pretty slim.
Many years ago when I lived in Colorado the Rocky Mountain Arsenal was disposing "stuff" (nerve gas I think it was) down deep wells. We had several small earthquakes that stopped shortly after they stopped using that method.
I spent a summer working in our oil fields so I got to see the fracking process in detail. Not a thing about it seemed suspicious or dangerous to me.

As mentioned earlier the vast majority of it is just water and the rest is fine sands, soaps, and antibacterial/fungal solutions of sorts.

If your well water is not soapy or full of fine artificial sands whatever contaminated it is not likely fracking fluids.
The point I was making say they drill 1500 metres (not feet) as they do here in Oz in yellowstone then put water down under high pressure and it hits a lump of molten lava. Imagine the steam pressure that would be produced and that could be the trigger. Reports over here from fracking has destroyed the bores of many farms with no compensation. Why as most if not all of the companies doing it are public listed and the mighty shareholder can't lose out so the property owners do. Go figure....
We use to discharge from time to time, trucks used for fracking. They are one of the very few brand new items that come here for anything related to the oil industry.

They are heavy and seem to have lot of weight (pumps et al) quite high so handling them in stable condition is a concern.
I think most magma chambers and lava arteries are quite deeper than 1500 meters. Even if small lava arteries were "near" to the surface the water would boil off well before actial contact w/ lava. Then again, I'm not a geologist.
Regions in a couple of other states in the USA, Arkansas and Oklahoma are also experiencing quakes as a result of fracking activities, some of my fellow seismologists in those areas are recording numbers of quakes well above background seismicity levels since the fracking was commenced

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