Hi Community. I'm ken.chen and working for OpenSource RT-Thread IoT OS and responsible for RT-Thread Studio IDE Team.
We built a free-to-use IDE RT-Thread Studio in late 2019 with the hope of helping embedded developers to simplify software-development complexity and efficiently create projects and increasingly productive. It has been years of hard work, and we have finally made it here to v2.0. We like to invite you to give it a try and share your thoughts with us.
Free Download:https : //www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Studio

We built a free-to-use IDE RT-Thread Studio in late 2019 with the hope of helping embedded developers to simplify software-development complexity and efficiently create projects and increasingly productive. It has been years of hard work, and we have finally made it here to v2.0. We like to invite you to give it a try and share your thoughts with us.
Free Download:https : //www.rt-thread.io/download.html?download=Studio
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