Free PC BASIC or C that can toggle RTS, DTR, and read CTS?

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Mike - K8LH

Well-Known Member
Is there a free PC BASIC or C language that has the capability to toggle the serial port (or a USB adapter) RTS and DTR outputs and read the CTS input?

TIA. Regards, Mike, K8LH
Any should be able to, but for any modern OS you will need a driver to allow direct access.
Hi Nigel,

That's not entirely true because I have the free JustBASIC language and it only has rudimentary serial port functions. I appreciate the response though.

Hi Nigel,

That's not entirely true because I have the free JustBASIC language and it only has rudimentary serial port functions. I appreciate the response though.


You don't use serial port functions, you use direct access - peek and poke in standard BASIC.

If you run XP or earlier, try downloading the driver DLL from my website, it includes various examples of direct access in C and BASIC.
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Whoa! That's way over my head but I will definately look into freebasic. Thank you...

Rest assured, I'm only pointing to the topic, I am no way representing comprehension. That said, the IDE didn't seem half bad, you might compile an .exe that will work for you. It is the basis for the GCBasic compiler.
Mike, have you looked into DLPortIO? I've used it for some serial projects, but I'm not sure about it's ability to access the handshake lines. The programs I've written to access it are in VB6.
Mike, have you looked into DLPortIO? I've used it for some serial projects, but I'm not sure about it's ability to access the handshake lines. The programs I've written to access it are in VB6.

That's the driver I suggested in post #4 - and comes with examples of it's use.
Where it says "download driver", there are two links.

I saw the "Download Driver" link to a "port95nt.exe" file but you said "it includes various examples of direct access in C and BASIC" and I didn't see that anywhere so I thought you might have been talking about something else...
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I saw the "Download Driver" link to a "port95nt.exe" file but you said "it includes various examples of direct access in C and BASIC" and I didn't see that anywhere so I thought you might have been talking about something else...

When you run it, it installs the DLL and a directory with various examples - none of which are in Delphi (unfortunately!).
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