Free program for drawing schematics?

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Is there a decent free program (for Windows) out there for drawing schematics? Any recommendations appreciated.

-Chris P
I downloaded it and used it a little. Its great and exactly what I was looking for.


-Chris P
I have tried a handful of the free schematic drawing software and this one seems to be user friendly and have most everything you need.

Go nuts!
now would it be possible that someone start to develop it into a simulation program ? I've seen a few "open" projects for simulation but they have mostly been very specific to particular type of circuits and most of them are just comendable for the attemp at best.
"Tiny Cad" looks like a good free one, never tried it yet.Will see how smoothly it can draw & how the functions behaves
I haven't found a free cad program yet that can rotate a component 45 degree's though... ticks me off cause I don't like drawing diode bridges as squares.

I use ExpressPCB for schematics. It doesn't rotate components other than at 90 degree stops, but the components are easy to create. I've made some 45 degree components as needed. These than be rotated at 90 degree intervals. I haven't done a 45 degree zig-zag resistor, but haven't really tried.



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LTSpice is one of the best free programs for analog simulation.
I would say it is the best, I don't know of any others that come even close to doing what it does, especially not with updates that show no signs of slowing.
I've seen a few "open" projects for simulation but they have mostly been very specific to particular type of circuits and most of them are just comendable for the attemp at best.

Have you looked at Ltspice/SwitcherCAD by any chance? This sim works with any SPICE model description so you can use any manufacturer's models in your simulation.
The only criticism of LTSPICE I have is that they haven't open sourced it. If they did I think it would be great because hobbyists will add their own features and libraries and port it to other platforms such as Mac OS and Linux. Linear Technology will also likely benefit from the publicity.

I can see why they haven't open sourced it, they still want to remain in control of it and the origional author probably does too.
IV? I've been using IV for like 3 weeks.
They can't open source it Hero, it's ostensibly for development of linear techs line of switch mode IC chips. Just be glad they're nice enough to share =)
i got it working under Wine in Linux with no problems at all..... it's one of the few windows programs i've got running in linux that runs with no hiccups at all.

you can draw 45 degree symbols for LTSpice and use them, but i'm not sure yet how to link them properly to the device selector, so i can for instance change a bridge of 1N4004s to MUR820s. so far i have to make a separate symbol for each diode type....

i've added libraries of parts and models and made heirarchal circuit modules that i just have to drop into a schematic and wire it up, like a sine wave oscillator and a bipolar current source. i also made an audio power amp "front-end" that just needs power, inputs, compensation caps and an output stage. it allows me to use a "standardized" input stage to test ideas for output stages.
I saw a video that the actual author of LTspice during a speech he was giving, he designed it to run well under wine on purpose.
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