frequency modulation theory

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arun prabhu

New Member
hi, i want to know how to transmit a audio signal within a range of 20 meters...
please let me know the whole theory , circuit diagram , block diagram and function of individual stages....

Yell really loud?

Seriously though, you're asking a lot here. Maybe ask one part at a time like start with the theory?
suggest some reading material like the ARRL handbook for amateur radio operators for a start
google searching will lead you to many sites telling you all you want to know

once you have done some initial study, then start asking specific question to bits you didnt understand
thats how most of us learnt about various subjects

cheers and happy studies

hi ,
actually i know the basic theory....
but the problem is iam not able to make it practally...
the only thing i can do is an oscillator. , microphone and the amplifier... the remaining iam not able to do...

the main thing is i want a simple ckt.. so that the components are readily available in the market/.....
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