frequency response graph/chart of gemini Gx 1501 speaker

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New Member
hello everyone,

I am currently acoustically analyzing and treating a building at the University of the West Indies and I am in desperate need of getting a frequency response graph/chart for a GEMINI GX 1501 SPEAKER.

This information will be greatly appreciated...

frequency response graph/chart of gemini Gx 1501 speaker

I understand that its a low end speaker.....but putting that aside...I still need to get the frequency response graph of this speaker....

So if anyone out there can help me I would greatly appreciate it..

thank you
I understand that its a low end speaker.....but putting that aside...I still need to get the frequency response graph of this speaker....

As already explained, it's most likely that such graphs were never available - you need to use a FAR higher quality speaker, where you can get such data.
If you want data for your speaker, you'll have to measure it yourself if there was no published spec.

You should consider measuring every speaker, because lacking a specification, they might not all sound the same.
No bass or boomy bass, no highs or shrieking highs and maybe a depressed or boosted midrange. That is what low-end speakers do.
The spec's from Gemini are useless. Buy a brand that has detailed spec's.
The website claims they have a linear response between 35Hz to 20kHz. I've never hear a frequency response being described as linbear before but I assume it means flat, if so I doubt it's true.
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The website claims they have a linear response between 35Hz to 20kHz. I've never hear a frequency response being described as linbear before but I assume it means flat, if so I doubt it's true.
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No, a complete lie - even the very best speakers are nothing like flat.
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