Frequency scanning mimicing

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New Member
I been looking around for awhile now. I'd like to take and use a circuit to take the output of a noise generator. (white, pink and brown noise), feed this output into a circuit that will, adjust it, so that it mimics 88.0MHz to 108.0 MHz, similar to the way a scanner works.

I want it to scan 88.0 slowly up to 108.0 back down to 88.00 and then scan back up 108.0 over and over again. My teacher and I were discussing it after we got a bunch of scanners and we were playing with them and we started picking up channels they weren't supposed to be getting. (encrypted channels) So we had to get rid of them, but we wanted to get a circuit that would mimic a scanner on these frequencies without actually picking up the frequencies.
It sounds like what you are looking to build is a sweep generator that sweeps from 88 to 108 MHz and then back down. A Google of sweep generator should get you started. Low frequency units are pretty forgiving but as you increase in frequency ranges things like parts placement become important. You might consider hacking one of those ready-made mini FM transmitters intended for connecting MP3 players to an FM radio. You sweep by using a triangular waveform applied to what is basically a voltage controlled oscillator. Also, needless to say there are power restrictions. Anyway, I would start with a Google of Sweep Generators or maybe FM Band Sweep Generators.


well the problem is, I don't want to be anywhere near radio waves. I'd like to take the input of the noise generator, and change the frequency so that it mimicks the 88-108 mhz range. This way we're cutting out radio all together. So far all the sweep generators use antennas.
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