Fried PIC?

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New Member
I just received a PIC16F84 and I've tried many times to program it with my Pickit 2. It keeps displaying "HEX file larger than device". I tried to read it but everything ends up being 0000 as opposed to the usual 3FFF I usually see with blank devices. I tried reading another PIC that I know is fried and it displays the same 0000s. I tried another PIC16f84 and although the "HEX file larger than device" warning still appeared, it actually programmed. I tried reading the device again and it worked perfectly fine.

Any ideas?
The PICkit2 cannot program a 16F84, it can program a 16F84A
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Your Inchworm can program the 16F84 though.
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Here's a **broken link removed**to programming a PIC with a PICKit 2 if you were wondering what to do

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build a simple JDM programmer

build a simple JDM type programmer and try with WINPIC
their is a nice erase option called bulk erase it really cool
or build Nigel's parallel port base programmer and try with his picprog2
Why would you recommend a JDM when you can't get yours working properly?

JDM are troublesome, my Inchworm ICD2 design is a modified Stoltz design.
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it just a idea

Mr.blueroomelectronics I'm not a expert as you but i think my JMD programmer work fine may be the problem is in my pic. i gave just a idea for a pic. because it is odd to make a new complex programmer for single pic like 16f84. btw I belive your Inchworm is nice programmer. but if their is a malfunction pic program with your Inchworm and if it does not work can any body say that Inchworm is not a good one or bad design. for beginner their will be many problem with regard to this subject(embedded system) some time they may lucky enough to not to fall in trap, some times does not but if fall into such a trap then have chance to learn some thing new isn't it?
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with 10 year old pics running 10 year old MPLAB software with 10 year old technology.

People use the 16F84A still, because they cannot afford new PIC's unfortunately. At Michigan Tech. (college I want to go to and that I have the grades for) They use the 18F4620
also, NASA allowed a group of grads from MTU to launch a type of data acquisition device into orbit. Talked to one of them about the solar cells at the YES! expo in detroit. IF you were to go, be sure to bring body armor, 9MM, and mace, because it is detroit.
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