Friends, help me on RF Remote

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New Member
Hi Friends,
I am wondering to make a radio remote control project which has 10 ways. But, I am just a newbie on electronics. Please provide me some information regarding on my project. I appreciate on any bit of info or link related to my project.

Thanks You.

I'm confused when you say "10 ways". Does this mean 10 different RF channels?

I suppose if you search under google for radio remote control, you'll find a bunch of circuits.

Also, what kind of application are you wanting to use the RF remote control for? This will help us narrow down the possibilities.

More information please.
10 ways means, to control 10 relays via the remote control.
I want that to make a remote control car. So, I want Forward, Backward, Left, Right, Back Light, Forward Light, Left and Right signals and much more. So I need 10 way RF Radio control circuit.

Please kindly help me.

Even im working on the same project.
The cicuit below should give a clear idea. And it just works fine.
u can get 12 different controls from UM91214 ic as given below

pin nos| 12 13 14
15 | 1 2 3
16 | 4 5 6
17 | 7 8 9
18 | 11 10 12
I dont think you will need that many channels? as left/right should work for fwd or rev. 4 Should do it, giving one channel for stop If its setup for 2 buttons pressed coding.


Sorry, the diagram was not loaded properly last time i mailed u.
here is the diagram with the UM91214 ic with decoder circuit for RF remote.
Believe me it works very well.


  • Radio_Remote_Control_108.gif
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  • Radio_Remote_Control_693.gif
    30 KB · Views: 612
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